Gritty with Giancarlo Guardascione

[00:00:00] Tyler: The Swell Season Podcast is recorded by the News Stand Studio at Rockefeller Center in the heart of Manhattan and is distributed by the Swell Season Surf Radio Network.

[00:00:52] Hello and welcome to the Swell Season Surf podcast. I'm your host, Tyler Brewer. Beech Grid [00:01:00] is notorious for their tabloid style content and clickbait titles. And I've always been a huge fan, but I started to notice about a year ago some articles coming out covering the New York Mid-Atlantic surf scene.

[00:01:16] Our humble and sometimes forgotten about community was getting some storylines and coverage Behind each of these articles was the name Giancarlo Gu. Titles, such as he was writing titles such as Mystery of Ghostly, surfboard in Swamp, unmoved by Tides and Currents. Members Only Wave Pool to open in Long Island, New York Promises one to seven foot waves at $1,500 per month.

[00:01:44] Plus 35 k joining Fee for the Man with a coy little PHUs black surfer filmmaker says he was shamed into quitting sport by my own community.

[00:01:54] I became curious as to who was this Giancarlo reporting on our community in [00:02:00]Beech Grit, and what was his backstory? His articles are well crafted, some with a bit of tongue-in-cheek, some with sincere earnestness and all well-researched and reported. I'm really excited to have John Carlo on our show today to learn about his surfing story and some hot takes on surfing in the Mid-Atlantic.

[00:02:22] John Carlo, welcome Towell season, dude. I am. For our listeners. We've just been nonstop since I've walked into the studio with this guy. I keep on being like, yo, we gotta like calm down for a sec cuz it's so much stuff. Couldn't good stuff help. But I was so

[00:02:37] Giancarlo: excited seeing the studio man. And you're from Long Island?

[00:02:41] From Long Beach, from Rockaway. I'm sorry. Yeah. No, no.

[00:02:43] Tyler: I, I mean I grew up surfing Long Beach back in the day, but you know, so when you

[00:02:47] Giancarlo: came in, I had to tell you my, my Long Beach stories, man. That's how I grew up. Every time the wind was north, that's where we went. Exactly. And I didn't care what it cost. The Throgs neck, the Cross Bronx six, you know, nine hours on the cross Bronx.

[00:02:59] That was [00:03:00] fun to surf for 20 minutes. That would be fun. Yeah. Yeah. But I didn't care. I didn't care any time the wind was north. I told you when you walked in. Yeah. I've surfed the river mouse in Maine and you know, Ruges. Yeah. Got sprayed by Sid. Got baptized by Sid Abruzzi. That was fun. That's an honor right there.

[00:03:16] All right. And, uh, you know, boxed out in North Carolina, whatever those jetties in Long Beach, man. I'm sorry. The way they peel on a proper southeast, you know, 4.9 feet at nine seconds. Mm-hmm. Oh my goodness, man, I caught it one September like that. I'm like, I remember those numbers from the buoy, you know, 4, 4 0, 6 5.

[00:03:36] Yeah. New York Harbor entrance. And, uh, I'm like, I gotta go. I gotta find that, those numbers again, they popped up. But you know, the ocean man, it was never the same. No, never

[00:03:45] Tyler: the same. And now the sand is definitely quite a, a bit different there, you know, sad man. They've, they've shifted the jetties a little bit and definitely.

[00:03:52] The angles are not quite the same, but you know, uh, you never know. It's like Jersey, right? Like, remember [00:04:00] like year, I mean, decades ago after Sandy, Sandy changed a lot. Sandy changed a lot. But even before, remember decades ago, they, they put in some jetties and they dredge, they would always dredge,

[00:04:08] Giancarlo: the Navy would always come, bring sand from out, you know, that's, that's for the civilians.

[00:04:12] Exactly. So they could sit on their beach. Yes. And they ain't thinking about us. They're thinking about big umbrellas and like, you know, Coors light cans on the beach and a

[00:04:19] Tyler: little barrier to protect their

[00:04:21] Giancarlo: property. Yeah. Protect their property. Man, when you get that tax bill, they better dredge. Yes. Serious.

[00:04:25] You know what I mean? So,

[00:04:26] Tyler: alright, before we dive into your bio and backstory, I, I gotta start with this one hot topic that, uh, that you wrote about, um, because it's, I've been wanting to talk about it for so long on the show and just haven't had the right person. And you are that person. So I wanna start with the talk.

[00:04:47] Uh, basically the Crest Surf Club. You wrote a piece for Beech Grit about it, and you were there and you're there in this beautiful, you wrote this beautiful summation of New York and what I believe [00:05:00] Crest Club kind of comes to represent. Um, New York City is the master of balancing the inclusion exclusion axis, dangling fruits in front of its subjects that seems so tangible yet so out of reach.

[00:05:16] Like I fucking loved reading that. I was just like, that is a perfect summation of New York in general, but definitely even like New York surfing, you know, and like you got not only like Crest Surf Club, but you got like Audis in the Hamptons where. If you don't have a permit, you can't park and you can't get to those spots.

[00:05:36] Uh, you have like Long Beach where you gotta pay like 20 bucks to get on the beach in the summer. You know, like it, it's a kind of in front of you, but you just can't reach it.

[00:05:45] Giancarlo: Those are good analogies. Yeah. I, my favorite thing to do in Long Beach in the summer mm-hmm. Is buy that badge and give it to the first person that comes by.

[00:05:51] Cause I don't need it for the rest of the day. Yeah. You know, in Jersey you could walk if you have just a surfboard. Yeah. You could walk on a beach and surf. Mm-hmm. Not in Long Beach, man. Mm-hmm. So I love paying that 20 bucks. Yeah. I'm like, I'm just [00:06:00] gonna go surf. Yeah. Like, sorry, I gotta pay. Go. Okay. Then I'll give it to the first little kid that comes by.

[00:06:04] Buy the badge. Go here you go. Free badge. Go or yours, man. Thank you.

[00:06:07] Tyler: 20 bucks. When I was a kid, I used to, when they would, you know, be at the, the, the boardwalk, I used to just go and walk by them and they'd be like, sir, you gotta pay. And be like, yeah, I know. And they'd be like, but you gotta pay. Yeah, I know, I know.

[00:06:19] And just keep walking and it's like, what are they

[00:06:21] Giancarlo: gonna do? You can come out and get me in the ocean. I know. You get swept out the Portugal with me too without that surfboard. No problem, man. Not a problem.

[00:06:28] Tyler: But. It's interesting cuz you write about, you write about it in, in Beach Grit. And for our listeners, if you're not familiar, crest Surf Club is this, uh, wave pool slash uh, surf club that's being built out in Shirley.

[00:06:42] Sure. And, uh, it's basically $35,000 to join to be a member and then like $1,500 a month to be able to use it. Um, you know, and it's funny cuz like your article doesn't necessarily point out like your opinion, [00:07:00] but you built, you kind of like threw out, like put these little subtle little jabs, little jabs in Yeah.

[00:07:05] Which I, I really enjoy. And, um, I was curious like, what is, what are your thoughts on something like that?

[00:07:11] Giancarlo: Well, you gotta remain impartial. Yeah. Right. When you're writing something like that. The thoughts that I have on it mm-hmm. Is it's pretty typical of I got family on Long Island.

[00:07:21] Tyler: Yeah. You go, no offense taken

[00:07:22] Giancarlo: here.

[00:07:22] All right. No offense. Sorry Uncle Tony, but I got family on Long Island. Um, it's typical Long Island, man. Yeah. You know, like, you know. You don't live on Long Island if you're like a, you know, if your salary isn't at a certain number. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. So, I mean, the first thing I thought when I came across it is like, that's Long Island.

[00:07:39] Yeah. 35 grand to join, which is like my yearly salary. Yeah. And then, um, 1500 a month. The weird thing was it didn't make it into the article Yeah. That the, the, the technology for the pool Yeah. Was kind of primitive. Not primitive, but the landing page was like, there was nothing. Yeah. It was like, yeah.

[00:07:57] We're like a wave thing. Like that was it. There was no pictures. There's what [00:08:00]

[00:08:00] Tyler: the, it's amazing for what they're selling. Yeah. Uh, that the technology is not discussed more. And that is problematic to me. It

[00:08:09] Giancarlo: reminded me of like Wolf of Wall Street. Yeah. And we're gonna say it as Penny stock. Totally. And you know what?

[00:08:14] That's why it was so Long Island. You know what I mean? Like Exactly. So that, that, that's what it was. You know, it's like, okay, I'm gonna give you 35 grand. I can't even see APIC with this waves. Like, man, like it know, send me like a, I don't know, like a Polaroid or Snapshot with your phone, something. But it just seemed, I don't know.

[00:08:30] It,

[00:08:31] Tyler: it feels like there's this a bit of a, I, I mean, look, I don't know listeners, so I don't wanna get sued for defamation. Right, right. But it feels

[00:08:40] Giancarlo: right. The feeling is scam ish. Yeah. And they, well they have that kid Leaf, uh, yeah. Inkstrom, uh, he's from Montauk. Yeah. And we love Lees. They were smart. Right.

[00:08:48] And they had, you know, when they did the pool in American Dream. Yeah. They had Kuen, you know, backed them up, but, but

[00:08:54] Tyler: Sen's the one who actually spearheaded that. Oh, really? Yeah. So Kuen was friends with the [00:09:00] people who, who owned the mall, who were, who were like big investors. And he saw they had the perfect swell technology.

[00:09:07] And he said to them, Hey, you have this pool. You're not using it at night or early morning. Um, this technology can be used to create rideable waves. Why don't you let us run it for you in the evenings and off hours? And then during the day, you guys have it as like a regular wave pool, and then we can run it for you and make money for you while it's not being, you know, in proper service.

[00:09:32] And like he, he and his brother Cliff, like spearheaded that Will's a

[00:09:37] Giancarlo: genius man. Serious. Serious. That's smart on his part. Man. When you, uh, when we spoke, yeah, I texted, I, I messaged you back. I said, you know, at $35, you know, you feel like, uh, What's his name? I'm sorry.

[00:09:50] Tyler: Oh my God. At, at 250, 200 $40. You know when you go into the wave pool and surf it for free, you feel like a foggy.

[00:09:57] So I'll show you a little

[00:09:58] Giancarlo: hack. I'll show you a little hack. So I was [00:10:00] gonna say, uh, at 35 bucks you feel like Fidel Castro. Yeah, totally. Yeah. At two 50 you feel like those poor guys at the Bay of Pigs. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's like, nah, nah, nah dude. So a guy in town? Yeah. Organized a bunch of kids to go.

[00:10:13] Nice. So I asked my son, you want to go? He is like, yeah, yeah. It was 75 bucks. That's not bad. So yeah, cuz when you get a certain amount of people, it goes less. Mm-hmm. It becomes less. So I didn't think anything. I'm like, let me throw to board shorts in the car. Yeah. You never know. Maybe I feel like it, so I hope American Dream ain't listening.

[00:10:29] Sorry guys. But, um, you, I walked with my son, checked him in. I'm like, yo, can I just watch him? I'm like, yeah, come watch him. So I'm sitting there watching him. I'm, I'm standing there and like my civilian clothes. I'm like, wait a minute. I'm gonna go put my board shorts on and get it afford and go get some waves.

[00:10:44] I was pleasantly surprised, I'll be honest. You served it?

[00:10:46] Tyler: Yeah. A couple times. Few times.

[00:10:48] Giancarlo: It was kind of fun. Now it's right by my house. Yeah. It's like seven miles from my house.

[00:10:52] Tyler: You're, you're really close. You could claim local

[00:10:55] Giancarlo: status. Yeah. That, that's my spot. Don't lemme see you there again, man. Tell you right now, get off my beach.[00:11:00]

[00:11:00] I'll get off my, uh, marble floor, whatever it is. Concrete. My

[00:11:03] Tyler: chlorine. Yeah. Chlorinated, uh, concrete

[00:11:06] Giancarlo: floor, you know, pool. Yeah. Get off, get off my chlorinated concrete floor. But, uh, I was surprised, man. I was surprised. And we, they had on the medium level for the little guys. Yeah. Cause these kids were like 10, 12, 13, 14 years old.

[00:11:17] Yeah. So I was surprised. Man. Bottom, turn up the lip top, you know? And it kept running. Yeah. It's a sick little

[00:11:24] Tyler: way. Yeah. It's really fun. Yeah. You know, you know, again, like. If you're paying a certain amount, it's kind of like, eh, but if you're paying the lower end of that amount, it's, it's fun. As fun as heck.

[00:11:37] And if you're going with a bunch of friends, it's even better. Better. Yeah. Cuz you're just like all laughing and it's such a surreal, uh, location cuz it's indoors. Yeah. You have giant Shrek sitting, standing over you, which is

[00:11:51] Giancarlo: hilarious. The SpongeBob's pineapple is my favorite. I like to surf under him.

[00:11:54] Yeah. That's my guy. He's your marker. Not so much Shrek. Yeah. That's funny. He's your marker. Yeah, that's your

[00:11:58] Tyler: marker, man. He's where you

[00:11:59] Giancarlo: line up. That's the [00:12:00] lineup point right there. But those waves pumped out every Yeah, it was every 45 seconds I think. Yeah. Like it was, and there was no backwash, there was no white water, nothing like, you know, it was a clean

[00:12:08] Tyler: face.

[00:12:09] I burned in like a two hour period. I burned like a thousand calories, you know? Yeah. And like, I think I swam like 500 yards. Yeah. Like, it was like in like, no way more than 500 yard, like some insane amount of yardage. I had my Fitbit on and I was just like, Oh my God. This was a great workout. I was exhausted at the end of it.

[00:12:30] I was

[00:12:30] Giancarlo: pleasantly surprised. One quick one about Long Island guys. Yeah. I took my kids snowboarding there. Mm-hmm. Indoor. Yeah. Yeah. So I take them there. This guy's from Long Island. Yeah. I'm like, what are you doing here, man? He's like, this is the closest mountain to me. Yeah. There are no mountains. Yeah. I know if this is true or not, but this is what he told me, goes, there's no real snowboard mountains on Long Island.

[00:12:48] No, I have to come to Jersey anyway. Yeah. So it's right outside the tunnel. It's there, yo. So he's like, I'd rather come here, have 'em in indoor. I don't have to worry about anything. So yo, my buddy, I buddy didnt think

[00:12:58] Tyler: about that. My buddy, my buddy John Schultz, he [00:13:00] like, this is, this is great. My buddy Schultz, he flat out refuses to surf in the wave pool.

[00:13:08] He flat out like it's an abomination to him. He will think nothing of going to the indoor snowboard and ski thing at right next door, and he'll go all summer.

[00:13:21] Giancarlo: Yeah. That's funny. When you see him walk out in the summer. That's funny. You know, you're like,

[00:13:25] Tyler: are you kidding me? Why? Why won't you, you're willing to do the snowboard.

[00:13:28] Why wouldn't you do the surfing

[00:13:30] Giancarlo: one? I had a similar thing, like when I saw the price. Yeah. I was like, no way. Mm-hmm. Man, screw out it. But, you know, again, I was pleasantly surprised, man. It held the way. Yeah. You know what I mean? And it, it, it, it gave you sections to hit type of thing. It was fun,

[00:13:44] Tyler: man. It's a, it was fun.

[00:13:45] And, and like you can work on things over and over.

[00:13:49] Giancarlo: That was like, that's what I told my son. Yeah. It was time to work on your pop-up. Yeah. And get in the pocket. You're not going straight anymore. All right. So you gotta try to get in that pocket man. Like in that curl, like down the face, down the line. He didn't [00:14:00] do it, but still he tried.

[00:14:01] So it was fun.

[00:14:01] Tyler: Let me ask, you got two kids or one kid? One

[00:14:04] Giancarlo: 15. One 12. Yeah. That's

[00:14:06] Tyler: a, that's a fun age to be here. You see how much they eat, dude? Yeah. I can't imagine.

[00:14:10] Giancarlo: I wanna put, I put out like a trough in the morning. Yeah. Like, and by 10 30 it's gone. I'm like, you can't ration stuff, boys. Come on, man. I'm, you know, I'm doing summer school.

[00:14:20] Yeah. Don't come up till two o'clock. Fus is right around the corner. So Watch, they're watching me all the time. Chill.

[00:14:26] Tyler: Chill with the food. How, how, how has it been teaching them to surf? When did you start, how did you go about it? I'm always curious with like how parents like get their kids into surfing and how they do it without forcing it.

[00:14:38] I'll make this

[00:14:38] Giancarlo: quick without the details. Yeah. Um, friend of mine said the parents, the kids do. If the parents do something, then it's okay for the kid to do it. Yeah. That includes like smoking and drinking, whatever. Yeah. Okay. But it also includes

[00:14:51] Tyler: surfing. I always thought it was the opposite. If the parent does it, the kids wanna do the opposite.

[00:14:55] Opposite. You know, like my brother's kids, like, they're just like, [00:15:00] surfing's lame. Dad does it, you know,

[00:15:02] Giancarlo: the um, so my parents got a place down the beach, so they, the one advantage that I did, they love the water. Yeah. They love being in the ocean. They love swimming. Yeah. They love jumping the waves. Yeah. So they saw me, they wanted to do it.

[00:15:15] Yeah. So, you know, the natural board progression, the I, well, first. They had the, uh, Costco, Tik Taquito, whatever it was, the standup, I'm gonna confess. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Border board in Costco ain't gonna lie. It works. And it's, it was super wide. Yeah. So it was super conducive Absolutely. For them to be successful.

[00:15:30] Yeah. Little baby weight and that's it. Push 'em in. And then they just, they kept wanting to do it. I think it's, it's an inherent thing. Yeah. You know, like I remember being at the Jersey store, we used to Boogie board. Yeah. I saw a kid stand on a, on a Boogie board. I'm like, That's what I wanna do. Excuse my line.

[00:15:45] I don't give a shit about anything. I don't care about soccer anymore. I was a decent soccer player in high school. My father like had his hand in his face. He's like, no, and you're Italian. You know?

[00:15:52] Tyler: It's like he's supposed to be like,

[00:15:54] Giancarlo: you're supposed to be juggling the ball. Not, not out on a, on a board.

[00:15:56] Man. He was so upset. He still hates it to this day. [00:16:00] He's like, there's sharks out there. I go, I know I'm cool. He's like, yeah, yeah's. Two guys drowning the other day. I'm like, yeah, don't worry about it. I'm good. He hates it. Hates it. And he's broken English. Where did you grow

[00:16:08] Tyler: up surfing then? Jersey Shore, man.

[00:16:10] Like which? Uh, like what area?

[00:16:11] Giancarlo: I grew up in Jersey, like Union City, Jersey City. Yeah. Very urban area. Nice. Yeah. North Bergen area. But my classical jersey in the summer. You always go down shore. So, uh, really by Lavallette. Yeah. Like this little place called Silver Beach. Yeah. But, uh, the Lavallette seaside area.

[00:16:27] Yeah. That's where I spent my summers. That's where I learned. And then, you know, then you graduate to Manis. Yes, of course. Back in the day, man, in the nineties, you didn't go to Manis quo. You weren't, I was afraid to paddle out there. Now it's changed. Yeah. You know, well,

[00:16:40] Tyler: I, I would go, but I would just go far north of the peak.

[00:16:44] Right. I wouldn't surf the main peak off the jetty. Yeah. You know, that's where all the bros

[00:16:47] Giancarlo: are, man. That's where the crew is, you know,

[00:16:49] Tyler: plus I only wanted lefts anyway, so. Haha. You go left into that jetty. You can, you can goofy foot. Yeah. You know. Oh, good boy. Yeah. Long Beach, you know up. That's right. Grew surfing Long Beach, you know, that's, it's all left.

[00:16:59] That's right. [00:17:00]

[00:17:00] Giancarlo: So yeah, you made the progression to Manis Wan and then, you know, Later on, you know man. Yeah. Winter's in pr. I've been to PR like eight times. I dunno how many times I've been to pr.

[00:17:08] Tyler: Did you, so let me ask you this, you know you grew up in Jersey City then around that area? Or North?

[00:17:13] Giancarlo: Union City.

[00:17:14] Union City. North Bergen. North Bergen. My father that is plumbing business

[00:17:17] Tyler: in Jersey City. How many other people, kids surfed like where you grew up? That's a great

[00:17:22] Giancarlo: question. Yeah. Zero. Right. All right. My friend Ryan was the only one man, me and him. And when we found each other it was like rainbows and unicorns and like, it's like that love making scene in 40 year old Virgin.

[00:17:33] It was like, wow, I can't believe you. Like we were the only two we would drive through Cliffside Park. Yeah. With surfboards sticking out of the car. Look like these two morons. Where the fuck you going? Like it's 80 miles. It's only 80 miles away. Don't worry. We'll be there in like eight hours. Don't sweat it.

[00:17:47] Cause we didn't care, man. You know, once you get that, you don't care about anything else. Yeah. Like I said, you'll pay the tolls on the bridges. You'll sit in traffic if I know there's a good wave there. Yeah. I don't give a shit. I'm going absolutely. It doesn't mean anything. I don't care.

[00:17:57] Tyler: Well, it's like, I remember for me it was like [00:18:00] no one surfed.

[00:18:01] I was, I was kind of ridiculed in school for being a surfer. Mm-hmm. Like I wore flip flops in high school before. Yeah. Anyone was wearing flip flops. Yeah. You know, they're just like making fun of me for that. Uh, but it also, I don't know about you, but it gave me this, um, social fluidity where I could go in between all the groups because of that.

[00:18:22] Giancarlo: That's a very good point. Yes. Right. We had the ganja tribe. Yeah. That was us five. Yeah. We would buy the dime bags on Friday night. Sorry, mom. Um, it's, but it was true. She always tried to figure out if it was true. Now she's gonna know it was true. So, um, yeah, we did that. Then you had the jocks that we would hang out with.

[00:18:36] Yeah. Yeah. But we didn't, but we didn't even give a shit. Yeah. Because all we cared about was surfing. Like they gave you, like you said, it was almost like a badge,

[00:18:42] Tyler: like I could Gave you an identity. Yeah. You know, especially when you're a teen and you're looking for when they don't have identities. Right.

[00:18:47] Yeah. Right, right. You know, everyone's trying on all these different outfits and like goth or. Jock or Sohi or whatever. Yeah. And like we were just like, well, I'm surfing. That's it. That's a's a good point, man.

[00:18:57] Giancarlo: Never thought about it that way, but yeah. I think now looking [00:19:00] back on it, you don't think of it that way because all your fo, you're hyperfocused on.

[00:19:03] Mm-hmm. Checking surf line back there. Yeah. 9, 7, 6, surf. 9, 7, 7. Just gonna say 9, 7, 6 surf. My mother would get those bills and take all my allowance. Did we just become best friends? That's fine, man. As long as you get me waving in Long Beach. It's fine. You get me a waving Rockaway, which is impossible. Oh, that's

[00:19:20] Tyler: easy.

[00:19:20] That's easy. Don't worry. It's kook. Camouflage. It looks crowded, but you can take any way if you want. But like

[00:19:26] Giancarlo: I said, Tyler, you're right. Which I did. I eventually did. I'm like, this isn't my spot. Be respectful. Mm-hmm. But you feel that out super quick. Especially you've been surfing 30 years, 20 years. You can tell, you can tell.

[00:19:35] You can tell. But, uh, but still a lot of these people are chucking boards and they can't duck dive these long boards and they're getting board threaten and

[00:19:40] Tyler: these surfing, slalom surfing. It's a new sport, you know, if, if Mason Ho can surf in front of rocks, that's a good point. We can surf in front of kooks Derek, love Derek, loves Mason Ho.

[00:19:51] That's like his boy Who doesn't love Mason? Ho. You have to, man. You know, everyone loves that guy.

[00:19:56] Giancarlo: He makes you so happy. You know, you can be so depressed and just watch his smile and be like, he could [00:20:00] crack glass. It's like, damn, dude. So,

[00:20:03] Tyler: so let me ask then, like, I, I, how did you first, you're a school teacher, correct?

[00:20:08] Yeah. What, what year are you teaching or what are you,

[00:20:10] Giancarlo: what are you teach? I did teach English in the high school. Okay. For years now. I do, I got smarter and I do computers in middle school a lot easier, man. When the kids came, a friend of mine said try to go for that computer job. You're gonna be watching your kids and it takes a lot outta your during your day.

[00:20:25] Yeah. Yeah. So I'll make it quick. Um, so yeah, no,

[00:20:27] Tyler: no. Take your time. Take

[00:20:28] Giancarlo: your time. Didn't wanna hear about that. No, no, no. This is not English to computer teacher. Yeah, absolutely. But, uh, and he, my friend was right, it was a principal friend of mine. He said, you're gonna be watching your kids. Cause my wife worked late at that time.

[00:20:40] Yeah. Said You're gonna need this to de-stress cuz you'll come home from some days to teach you, man. Yeah. Especially in the inner city. The kids are beautiful. Yeah. Most beautiful kids in the world. I love them for real. Yeah, they are. I'll give later. I'll give you a quick three reasons why they're amazing.

[00:20:52] Yeah. Um, You'll come home on our couch, the TV will be on and you'll be staring right through the tv man. You won't hear it. Or like you'll, cuz you need that [00:21:00] like silence. So just sit on the couch in silence like that. Yeah. So he knew and thank God for him, you know what I mean? Because it made my life easier.

[00:21:07] Tyler: Well it's, it's interesting, my stepfather kind of did that transition. He taught fourth grade, but then, you know, like the late nineties, early two thousands really made the transition to becoming the computer teacher and also running like all their systems and, yeah. His life got so much better. That's right.

[00:21:24] Yeah. You see, man, you see. So it's like way less

[00:21:28] Giancarlo: intense. I'll be friends with your father instead of you, man. What is he now, your stepfather? He's out in

[00:21:32] Tyler: Medford. You know, he's out out east. But I mean, it's like, I can imagine that would be a lot. But did you, did you go to school because you wanted to be a teacher or did you go because you were writing as

[00:21:43] Giancarlo: well?

[00:21:43] I, I always wanted to write my mother read to me since I was a kid. Yeah. Always loved writing. And I had, I don't wanna say an affinity, but you know, I was able to, whatever writing you were good with you were good with words. Whatever writing tests we had, those were the only ones I did well on. Yeah. I couldn't wait to show on the writing test scores.

[00:21:57] Not the math scores. Not the science scores. [00:22:00] Not even my gym or lunch scores. I'm like, I failed lunch too. I didn't

[00:22:02] Tyler: make it there. Multiple, multiple choice. Forget about it, you know, it was

[00:22:05] Giancarlo: like, but uh, so yeah, I always, I wrote for the, I wrote for the, uh, college literary magazine. Mm-hmm. And then se, you know, it's weird you say that.

[00:22:13] Like, I sent stuff to surfer for years. Yeah. And back in the day there was no email. No. Like you sent the letter. Yeah. And you had to wait. Yeah. For the magazine to come out. So I'll never forget, I'm like, it was so good. I can't wait to read it. Waited the month, opened up the thing of surfer. No, nothing. Now.

[00:22:28] Nothing. And that, that cold feeling sits in your chest, you know, that emptiness like, oh man, I really do suck. I didn't think I did, but now

[00:22:35] Tyler: I know I did. You know what? I got rejected by Eastern Surf. If it makes you feel better. So Eastern Surf

[00:22:39] Giancarlo: is cool. They took a couple articles of mine. Yeah man, I got, I got a Rrk bag because of that.

[00:22:44] Yes. Yeah, man, it was fun. ESM was good, man. It's, are they still around? They used to be free to surf shops. Remember? Online? Yeah. They

[00:22:50] Tyler: were great. They were amazing. The newspaper up, man. Yeah, man. E S M was the best because. You could theoretically be in it. That's right. Like anyone [00:23:00] on the east coast could theoretically be in it.

[00:23:02] That's right. You didn't have to be the best You could catch a barrel

[00:23:04] Giancarlo: at the right time, man. Exactly. I never thought about that. That's a very good point. Like you could have someone on the beach and just boom. You

[00:23:10] Tyler: could be on there or mention in the blah blah section, northeast section. That's right. The blah, blah, blah.

[00:23:14] I,

[00:23:14] Giancarlo: all that sort of stuff. And, and the music reviews. The music reviews is my favorite. I bought a bunch of those albums. They were great. They were so good. You know, I bought M Med's album because of them. Yeah, man. But

[00:23:24] Tyler: I mean, so so you, you had that passion for writing then. And I, I loved

[00:23:28] Giancarlo: Hemingway since I was, I always loved reading, you know what I mean?

[00:23:31] James, Joyce, and, you know, Faulkner and all those guys, they influenced me heavily. Heavily. And Derek did too, man. You know, it was all like, serious writing. Yeah. You know, I, I remember as I wanted to mention, like, beri super quick. Yeah. Um,

[00:23:44] Tyler: oh, don't worry. We're gonna get into it. We're

[00:23:45] Giancarlo: gonna get into it, but I, I remember as a kid, Um, surfer Magazine was what we had.

[00:23:51] Yeah. There was a surfer Surfers Journal too. Yeah. Surfing. I remember that. Surfing, you know, surfing, surfing, surfing. Of course Surfing and Trans World

[00:23:56] Tyler: surf. Yeah. And if we were luck, if you were lucky you could get an ASL [00:24:00]or a Waves Magazine,

[00:24:01] Giancarlo: you know? Okay. So here's where I stay at. So I owe a lot to Surfer Magazine taught me so much cause I had no connection on the East Coast.

[00:24:07] You know you're in California, you're sitting on your couch, you see a Budweiser commercial, a Kia commercial, then like a surfing commercial. Yeah, we don't have that on the East Coast, man. Yeah, we were starved. Yeah, yeah, we were completely disconnected from the

[00:24:17] Tyler: industry. You clung to the magazine. Right.

[00:24:20] And the VHS cassettes.

[00:24:21] Giancarlo: That was it too, man. Yeah. Oh man. That lost the Across America was

[00:24:24] Tyler: telling you, oh, you just wait, I'm gonna send you a, a Dropbox full of videos you made. So,

[00:24:28] Giancarlo: oh my goodness man. I still had those VSAs VHS tape, but um, so I owe a lot to Surfer Magazine cuz I, my a d ADHD kicks in. I'm sorry man.

[00:24:37] No, but when I read, I'll never forget. My first issue was stab. You get, I used to get in Barnes and Noble. Oh yeah. I didn't give a shit. If it was some subject matter I didn't like, I didn't care. Yeah. Because. Derek. Yeah, Riley. He was the one that, you know, he starts it with Macintosh. Yeah. And the way he wrote, the way he approached it with that humor and that irreverence.

[00:24:57] Right. And that like carefree, [00:25:00] like Totally. It doesn't have to be, they, they say it on the site. It doesn't have to be so serious. Yeah. It has tos supposed to be fun. Exactly. You know what I mean? And he made it that way and it was amazing. Absolutely. Then I found out it was Lewis Samuel, which was writing for them.

[00:25:12] Nah, I'm just kidding. Oh,

[00:25:15] Tyler: you wish man.

[00:25:16] Giancarlo: Lewis Samuels. Oh, he's number one for me, man. Yeah. He's number one. When those power rankings came out. Mm-hmm. My god, man. I would read him like three or four times over like each surfer. So fun. You know what I mean? I remember he said Drew Courtney had a marsupial pouch or something like that.

[00:25:31] So mean but funny. Come on. It's always

[00:25:33] Tyler: fun. See, see for me, Derrick Kind is, is the one of the tops he's He's number. Yeah. You know, because of the, he started that whole top 30 trend. Yeah. He's the one. Yeah. But I, Kevin Augh and Craig Peterson were like my favorite, but we couldn't. We couldn't access that.

[00:25:47] Cause that was from archived old Surfer Yeah. Surfers. Yeah. But like, surfers Journal ran one piece and that shit like fucked up the rest of my life. Yeah. Told was like, oh, I'm just gonna travel and surf. Yeah, yeah. And set me back by like 12 years in Korea, you [00:26:00] know? I

[00:26:00] Giancarlo: remember that too, man. I remember as soon as college was over, I'm like, that's it, man.

[00:26:03] Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Fiji, all those places. I didn't care. And I was broke too. I didn't give a shit. So where

[00:26:09] Tyler: in Morocco did you go? Um,

[00:26:13] Giancarlo: Zu. Well, hold on. I was, it was Rabat because I was in Spain. I visited cousins in Italy. Nice. I'm like, uh, I'm bored. I'm at, I wanna eat in one Tita and Projet. I gotta get outta here, man.

[00:26:23] So I went to Spain and then I'm like, you know what? I'm gonna, I'm, I'm, I'm shooting over Gibraltar to Morocco. Yeah. I just planned to buy rugs. Yeah. But I'm, because this, this was years ago. Yeah. I wanted to buy those burber rugs. I know. And then, uh, I surfed for bat. Yeah. It was like a little beach break type of thing.

[00:26:39] Yeah. But now, now looking at those points later, my goodness, man, those cobblestone points. Anyway, go. I'm sorry. Yeah. No,

[00:26:46] Tyler: dude. I mean, I, I, I did that trip. I, I drove, we drove, me and two other friends, we drove in a Persio 2 0 6 rally car Wow. Along the coast of Spain to Portugal, Southern Spain, across [00:27:00] Gibraltar, and all the way down the tag gazoo and like, oh, you surfed Oh, the whole time.

[00:27:04] How long ago was this? This was 2002. 2003. It wasn't that long ago. Wow. 20 years ago. 20 years, man. I know. We're dating ourselves now, now 20

[00:27:11] Giancarlo: years. Yeah, man. I think that's about the time I was there before he was born. 15. Yeah. Probably 16 years ago. Yeah.

[00:27:17] Tyler: That's awesome. Yeah. So you, you, you, you rode in school and then, like you travel, seems like you traveled quite a bit in your twenties.

[00:27:25] Yeah. Yeah. And then like, Going into being an English teacher, then like I imagine like you were trying to what influence them with writing as well, or keep connected to that, would you say? My, my kids? No, no. Like school, like teaching, you were teaching English? Yeah. Yeah. And then like you just wanted to keep connected to writing or did you continue writing all throughout

[00:27:48] Giancarlo: at all?

[00:27:48] After. After like the college literary thing? Yeah. I. I self-published a book which sold 40, 42 copies, I think. Really? Yeah. It's now defunct completely website. Shut down the whole thing. What's the book? Nah, [00:28:00] man, it. No, no, no, no. You're

[00:28:01] Tyler: on here. You're gonna give us the name of the book and you're gonna give us a synopsis.

[00:28:06] What is the name and the

[00:28:07] Giancarlo: synopsis? It, it, it was from traveling. It was, it was called Faceless. The guy's hanging around New York and he's bored with his life. So he's, he just goes, ends up going on, meets some random people in New York, goes to Peru, Sri Lanka, uh, paua, new Guinea. And in each place he, it's like, it ends up being like a tour agency where he gets stripped of his senses, so he can't smell anymore.

[00:28:28] It can't eat anymore, and he ends up not chasing things, these material things in life. You know what I mean? So, I love that. That's a great premise, man. I wish I would've known it back then. You could've bought a copy. Could sent my wife. I know. My wife would've been like, yeah, you could keep it up. You would've sold 44 copies.

[00:28:42] I would've definitely let it up. But 43, no. But anyway, the writing, so yeah. And then I, I always wanted to be. Published in like a surf thing, like that was my thing. Yeah. You know? So I just kept trying, you know, you gotta hone your craft after years. Absolutely. You know, you gotta figure out what the audience wants.

[00:28:58] You gotta cut your [00:29:00] words, you know, more is less. And

[00:29:01] Tyler: we will be right back. And now back to our show. You know, I, I saw you even attempted at the Inertia

[00:29:10] Giancarlo: Library. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I, yeah. I was one of the first ones I sent to Derek. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. It was like the one that got away. I was in Long Beach, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

[00:29:17] Exactly. I like when, when, when he called me a pussy. Yeah. Yeah. It was awesome. What a pussy. Yeah. Cause I was the only one

[00:29:23] Tyler: there. The surfing cuckold basically. Yeah. I

[00:29:26] Giancarlo: got cut cold by the wave. Yeah, man. With the horns and everything. I, you looked like a bitch. I remember like, we were all in line, dude. Like, it was great rotation going.

[00:29:34] Yeah. I think it was, I think it was Long Beach Boulevard. Yeah. And, uh, you know, the guy went, next guy went. It was my turn. Yeah. I had just paddled back out. I, it was cold man. It was like 41. Yeah. Not so cold, but still, you know, cold enough.

[00:29:46] Tyler: You're wearing a lot of rubber. Yeah. Five. You're tired. Yeah. You're

[00:29:49] Giancarlo: tired.

[00:29:49] Yeah. Uh, you're making me sound more like a man. I love it. Um, but, uh, So it was my turn. Yeah. And this pyramid starts marching towards me. Dude. It wasn't big. It was like [00:30:00]six foot. I'm like, dude, I'm so, I'm so fucking tired. And it looked like a closeout. Yeah. Rare clothes out in longest beach. All right. Of course.

[00:30:06] So I, I do the pretend paddle. Yeah. And they could tell, yeah, these guys are veterans, man, you know? Yeah. And I pulled back and they go, and I heard the one guy go, what a fucking pussy. I'm like, oh my God, dude, I want it to leave. Like, I could feel the blood rush into my ears, you know? I'm like, dude, let me get outta here.

[00:30:20] It's so embarrassing.

[00:30:21] Tyler: See? Yeah. It's like, I, I, I know that feeling. I sometimes I think everyone

[00:30:26] Giancarlo: does. Sorry. Everyone's pull back when people watching. Of course. When people watching, man, man, let's pull back. Or you blow it.

[00:30:33] Tyler: Yeah. And look like a pook, you know, because for me, like I get performance, anxiety, surfing.

[00:30:37] I totally, like if whenever I drift, sometimes when there's waves into, in front of the 90th street camera on surf line, I'm aware that people are watching and I fucking blow it every time.

[00:30:53] Giancarlo: If I see the kids on my beach who all rip better than day. Yeah. I'm like, I'm I'm the last guy on, on the ladder, on the pole, you know, [00:31:00] uh, they'll be down the line and I'll be paddling for a wave and they'll sta we know each other, but they'll stare right through me.

[00:31:05] Right. Cause they know I suck. Yeah. And you can see them going Right, right, right, right into your soul. And I can't wait to blow this. I go to my knee on a popup or do some shitty bottom turn. Yeah. But I, same

[00:31:15] Tyler: thing, same. Anything happens to, I need me, I need surfing Viagra, you know?

[00:31:17] Giancarlo: Yeah. Man. Yeah. Try a little red wine before it works for me.

[00:31:20] Yeah. Just a like espresso cup. Half an espresso cup. It works. So how'd

[00:31:24] Tyler: you connect with Beech grit then?

[00:31:26] Giancarlo: Lot of people ask me that. Yeah. It ain't like the old days, Tyler. No. You know, you gotta go to the office. Yeah. And there's no gatekeeper really as, as much Yeah. Being an intern. Nah man. So I just. I emailed, stab did something.

[00:31:38] Yeah. With like, uh, send us, send us your work. Yeah. I sent it. It was Damien Hort. Yeah. Is that the way he pronounce his name? Faren. Faren, sorry. He's from South Africa. Yeah. And he liked it. Seven things You Forgot Surfing gave you. Yeah. And uh, he's like, yeah, I love it. I'm sending it to the next editor.

[00:31:52] Obviously he left the next day. Yeah. And the article kind of disappeared. Right. So I'm like, damn, bro. So I remember that was the time Derek left.

[00:31:58] Tyler: Yeah. Beach Bri. Yeah. [00:32:00] Yeah. That, that was not totally, it was, uh, a little, little less in amicable

[00:32:04] Giancarlo: too. Yeah. I know the backstory to that man. I hope you don't mind me saying, I know he wouldn't care.

[00:32:08] He doesn't care about Eddie, but I'll tell you a good one. Yeah. Um, but, um, So I send it to Derek and just email him. Yeah, that's it. I found Berit, I think he got had a direction thing like from Stab to there and he liked it. Yeah. That was it. But then it was another year before I pub published the other one.

[00:32:23] Yeah. I would send stuff and, you know, it just wasn't good enough, man. He's, he doesn't, he will not post a thing on that site that he does not believe in. That will not endure 10 years later. Wow. But you can go back. Nah, man. He's, he's for real. You know, Chaz and Derek, they're not like your average surfers.

[00:32:39] They don't dress like surfers. They don't talk like surfers. No. You know, they're very intelligent. Yeah. You know, Derek wrote the bi the biography for the, uh, prime Minister Bob Bob Hawk. Bob Hawk, yeah. Man. And

[00:32:48] Tyler: Chaz

[00:32:49] Giancarlo: has all those books. Legendary. Yeah. Yeah. So they're not, you know, they're very articulate, intelligent, you know.

[00:32:54] So, um, but to answer your question, yeah, that's what you do now, just send it to Derek, man. But like I [00:33:00] said, he will not from what I know of him. Yeah. I've only exchanged emails with him. Yeah. I've never spoken a word to him. Nice. Just a bunch of emails, but cuz. There's no need to speak. Yeah. But you know, he's busy.

[00:33:09] You know?

[00:33:10] Tyler: Do, so what's that process like then? Like when you submit a piece? Like does it, is there a bunch of back and forths? Is there, is there editing? It's, it's very,

[00:33:19] Giancarlo: now he does edit. Not a lot of it. Yeah. But words here and there. Yeah. You know, but, um, you send it, if it's no good, there's crickets, bro.

[00:33:28] Really? There's no response. Wow. There is no response. Wow. I got a lot of no responses. But if he likes it, like, I love it, I'm gonna run. Yeah. Blah, blah, blah. First time I sent it to him, he said, uh, can I run? I go, he said, uh, the money is bad. Zero, but the comments will be priceless. That was only first article after you build up, you know, you know, you do.

[00:33:46] He he does send you money. He's good like that. He's good.

[00:33:48] Tyler: I, I imagine, I, I, I don't know if this is true, but like, are you on like a, a group chain at all or thread with them, or is there any, do they ever give you assignments or say, Hey, this is going [00:34:00] on in your area, do you,

[00:34:01] Giancarlo: okay. One of the guys, I gotta mention him.

[00:34:03] Yeah. Steve Van Reese. Yeah. Guy's. Awesome man. Yeah, I think he's on the east coast. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think, yeah, he will send me stuff, man. So Steve, if you're listening, thank you. For real. Cause this is stuff he could write. Yeah, maybe he thinks cuz from my area. Yeah. I might know a little better or something.

[00:34:18] That's more up my alley. Yeah. But I owe a lot to him man. He sent me at least leads for like three or four stories. Yeah. You know, so he's awesome. Van Reese, but as Derek will send me, like, he'll gimme writing advice. Yeah. He gave me awesome writing advice once. Man really? I should, I dunno if I get pull off my phone, of course I'll read off my phone.

[00:34:35] I just need a minute to get it. Yeah, yeah. No, no, no pressure. I don't wanna like pause the podcast or whatever.

[00:34:40] Tyler: No, no, no. Guess what? This post said it we're not live. All right. All right. Cool. I forgot

[00:34:44] Giancarlo: about that. I forgot about that. So, um, I'm sorry. No, no worries. So yeah, so you sent him and back and forth.

[00:34:52] Kind of, you know, we'll go back and I remember, I remember I sent him an article about a humpback whale, like capsizing a boat. Yeah. And I entitled [00:35:00] it Hump. Yeah. You know what I mean? I know Derek's a little bit of a perv. I love him for that. You know what I mean? And, uh, he's like, I love it. Run. I go, sorry dude, the title was a little misleading.

[00:35:08] I apologize for that. He's like, ha, you know, I love it. So,

[00:35:12] Tyler: uh, anything for clickbait for those guys, right?

[00:35:14] Giancarlo: Oh dude, that's, that's their thing. Yeah. Tyler, that, that's their thing. That's how they make their money. That's how they make them look. You gotta make money, man. Yeah. So they're smart. And the, the picture they put and the way they put their title, like I said, it's,

[00:35:26] Tyler: its, it, it's, it's interesting cuz like Beach Grid is definitely controversial.

[00:35:32] Oh yeah. You know, uh, but, but purposefully so, and, and like, I felt like for a little bit for the last few years, it, it was getting too Click Beatty. Yeah. Where it was like stories that. I didn't really care about. I understand that. And then surf ads like kind of called him out. Yeah. Which was amazing. That was great.

[00:35:49] He's great, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, he's, he's been on the show and like it, you know, he's, he called him out. I was like, look guys, like, I get it, but like, this is getting

[00:35:58] Giancarlo: ridiculous. Time out, man. I [00:36:00] hope he is listening in Surf Ads is on the show. Yeah, he was on, I thought he was in Australia.

[00:36:02] He doesn't live in

[00:36:03] Tyler: Australia. We did, did Virtual. Oh yeah. Cool man, I didn't realize that. Okay. Yeah. Oh, I'd be sick if I could

[00:36:08] Giancarlo: get him in New York. My gosh. I'm pretty sure he, I think he's on the Gold Coast or like down south, I think by, by Byron Bay or something like that. He's one of my favorites. I can't believe you had him, man.

[00:36:16] Wow. A couple times. Yeah. He's smart man. He's a great writer.

[00:36:19] Tyler: Sharp guy, great writer. Fucking hilarious. Yeah. Really super cool. Real down to earth guy. Like I really, I love his humility. Yeah. When it comes to He's

[00:36:28] Giancarlo: very good. He's very, I Ms. Long time, man. Oh, Stevens shearer. Yeah, dude. Yeah. It's shame. You gotta move on, man.

[00:36:34] That's it.

[00:36:35] Tyler: Yeah. Yeah. You know,

[00:36:37] Giancarlo: it's his contest writeup. We insane, man. I

[00:36:39] Tyler: know. It's so good. I know. Anyway, JP Curry does a great job though. He's awesome. Yeah, he's awesome. He's

[00:36:43] Giancarlo: really good. Actually, I, I, when he, I, when he got that assignment, you figured he got it. Yeah. You know, you saw it. I was like, oh shit man.

[00:36:49] You got shoes to fill? And he said it. Yeah. You know, he is like, I got some, but he pulled it off, man. He's great. How

[00:36:55] Tyler: is it difficult for you then, balancing that, like, right, I mean, you're, you're, your [00:37:00] writing obviously is not as con, you're not, you're not consistent No. With it, but like, it must be still like trying to find the time to do

[00:37:08] Giancarlo: it.

[00:37:09] That's the biggest thing, Tyler, you know, like I said, my two boys, they live with MAs, just me and them. Yeah. You know, so, Between making chicken cutlets and folding soccer uniforms. It's freaking hard, man. You know, I mean, are you Mr. Mom? Yeah, man, it's only me. Like I said, it's only me and them. Yeah. Obvious You Michael Keaton.

[00:37:26] I have, I don't have his money, but, uh, I can't cash his checks, but, um, you, yeah, so the time is a difficult thing, you know what I mean? Like, you get home, it's like I try to write like 11 o'clock or 12 o'clock at night. I gotta wake up for school in the morning at, you know, seven o'clock in the morning, so, you know, or 6 36, whatever, and get them ready, drop them off the whole thing.

[00:37:46] So it's, it's tough, man. I wish there was a summer where I was down, down the shore and I was real prolific. You know, I was at one after the other cuz it was a summer. I was chilling out with them. They were on the beach. Yeah. I was able to, and a lot of stuff come, came across the wire, whatever. [00:38:00] Yeah. So a lot of stuff came.

[00:38:01] So, you know, that's, but now yeah. I'm not as consistent man, you know, so it's,

[00:38:06] Tyler: it's hard. I mean, God, like you got a lot going on it sounds like,

[00:38:09] Giancarlo: and well that's fine. You deal with it. You gotta deal with it. No matter what it is, you gotta deal with it. Yeah. But it's weird because the first articles transitioned was like, things I would like conjure like in my head, you know what I mean?

[00:38:18] Now it's shifted more towards like, stuff about New York. Yeah. You know, um, like actual thing, like the girl, one girl say three guys and bay head type of thing. Yeah. So, yeah. You know, it's become that. But do

[00:38:31] Tyler: you, like first, how have the comments been for you?

[00:38:35] Giancarlo: They love, look, I like when they make fun of me, man.

[00:38:38] Yeah, I was telling you before, I'll tell you now. So, um, I did an article about, uh, Sr. That goes into the hurricanes. Yeah. It's got kind of cool footage, you know what I mean? Yeah. And then this other, the uh, nice girl, 15 year old girl saved three guys in bay head. Yeah. You know what I mean? I thought this was, dude, I love the fact that they are so raw.

[00:38:58] Yeah. The commenters. Oh yeah. [00:39:00] They like those. WSL should know. Those are the guys you're trying to get. Yeah, I know. To try to expand, but whatever to your, to answer your question, um, so I put, at the end of the salad drawing thing, I put wild Yes. And one comment to put wild, yes. Yeah, sure. Whatever. Gigi, your boss recently ripped this talking about Derek, about the ne a tanned raised ass with the dildo between the nexus of reproduction and waste.

[00:39:25] I was like, that's poetry, man. That's better than any Shakespeare sign I've ever read. And then he goes, Do better cunt. And that was it. Obviously he's from Australia. Yeah, of course. I go, that's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. You gotta have tough skin in there. That's a term of endearment right there.

[00:39:40] So I, I commented back, I go, I do often feel like the dildo with the dead batteries left in the bottom drawer. More repo, less waste. I promise, man. He didn't respond. He's like, fuck you Eddie. But the comment isn't great, man. Have they? I, I guess, I don't know. I mean the one kid. Yeah. Uh, Carl Van Fanning's staff, I think the

[00:39:59] Tyler: [00:40:00] Ferin staff.

[00:40:00] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know how

[00:40:01] Giancarlo: to pronounce it. I'm sorry. No, he's the one that came up with that name. So it's his fault. Yeah. Um, uh, he did a review of the writers. Yeah. You know what I mean? And dude, he, he got me good, I forgot what he said. Triple G, goblin Shark or something like that. Goblin shark, Pete Glow with Italiano, SC street throw or something like that.

[00:40:19] So I guess I'm indifferent towards them, you know what I mean? I guess the, I don't know. I guess I don't really get too many bad comments. I got one bad one. Uh. I forgot it was years ago. I said, how did I make a wrong turn? Did I make a wrong turn and end up at the inertia? I was like, oh, that hurt. That hurt that they don't bother me.

[00:40:37] Yeah, I grew up in Jersey City, man. There ain't nothing you can say that's gonna bother

[00:40:40] Tyler: me. That one, that one

[00:40:41] Giancarlo: stings, that one, that one hurts. I'm like, inertia. I look. God bless the inertia. Yeah. Nothing bad against them. That one. It's fine for what it is. For what it is. God bless them. Yeah, but that one hurt man.

[00:40:49] I was like, oh shit. Inertia. Damn bro. It sucks. That one hurt. That was the only one that hurt the Dilba one. I loved. I tell my 15 year old about it. He goes, please tell me again. I know it might not be [00:41:00] appropriate for 15 year old, but he's in high school now, knows going on. It's totally appropriate. He goes, dad, please tell me when they called you a dildo.

[00:41:04] All right buddy, sit down, but daddy tell you a story. You know most dads tell the story like, son, this is where you know how a rainbow gets formed. Nah, this is how daddy got called a dildo on B Script

[00:41:14] Tyler: kids. Yeah. Joe. Joe here. Engineer has a young, young kid. He just had Joe Joe. That kid's gonna say in like 15 years.

[00:41:22] Dad, tell me about the time they called you a dildo. A a, a dildo that has no batteries. That's

[00:41:27] Giancarlo: right. That's the bottom drawer, man. That's me. That's me.

[00:41:33] Tyler: Um, do, do you miss though the fact that there is no magazine really anymore? I mean, it's just the Surfers Journal and, you know, a couple, couple things in Australia.

[00:41:45] Giancarlo: I will not read those Kindles or whatever. Yeah. No. I, I gotta hold the book in my hand, man. Yeah. I gotta write in the margins. Yeah. I gotta take notes. Something I'm gonna plagiarize later. Yeah. Can't wait to do that. Yeah. You know what I mean? So I, I have to hold a book. Yeah. You know, I miss [00:42:00] magazines. I saved those magazines as long as I could.

[00:42:02] Yeah. Tyler. You know what I mean? Because to hold it, I don't know that digital thing I'm not crazy about. I know, I know. Derek loves it. Yeah. Because it's a quick turnaround. Yeah, absolutely. You know, you gotta produce that magazine and it's cheap. And it's cheap. Yeah. And you gotta wait for the response and you don't know what the response is.

[00:42:17] But I remember him saying one time, like, in an interview, um, it's a quick turnaround. You could, it's ins instantaneous. Yeah. You get to see the reaction from the public, like right there. Absolutely. So, but for me, I wanna hold my magazines, man. I do miss 'em really bad. I really do. Yeah, I do.

[00:42:33] Tyler: There's, you know, I, I have a library at home.

[00:42:36] Oh. I've, you know, kept pretty much Wow. Since I was a kid. Wow. And even collected a few. And it's funny, like I don't read a whole lot anymore. Like, I read online and I read a lot of news and everything, but I don't. Read a whole lot, but when I do, it's a surf magazine and it's an old one. Yeah. I'll pull out from wherever, you know, because it's just [00:43:00] something there.

[00:43:00] The graphic design, the imagery that goes with it. Like something

[00:43:05] Giancarlo: about it, you, you described it more vividly than me. Like more articulate than me. Like just, I said, just holding that pulp. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. But seeing that image there instead of like on a screen. Mm-hmm. I don't know, it's just better.

[00:43:17] That's how surf ads made his thing, man. Yeah. Used to take old ads. Exactly. Photoshop. And that, that's one of the most genius Instagram pages I've ever seen. The, the fact that

[00:43:25] Tyler: he started that, it was him and, uh, core Lord 2000, which was the other one, which he, he doesn't post anymore, unfortunately. Yeah. Do you think surf culture is lacking because of that?

[00:43:38] Giancarlo: I think when you, I thought you might ask that, so I'm like, I don't even know. Not that I don't know. Yeah. But like, how do I respond to surf culture, you know? Yeah. At 48, yeah. You kinda. I don't wanna say disconnected. Mm-hmm. Especially if you have kids. Yeah. Like I'm on the perimeter. Yeah. You know what I mean?

[00:43:56] Like, you know, I'm on the, I'm on like the sidelines. Yeah. I just dip my toe in the pool [00:44:00] whenever there's waves. You know what I mean? Yeah. When I, when you mentioned soft surf culture, I, I think about the wsl. Yeah. I, I kind of feel bad for them, man. Oh yeah. Know what I mean? Like, they're trying to do something.

[00:44:10] It's weird because they're trying. It's like a major conundrum. Like they're trying to get this audience to expand the sport. Mm-hmm. But it can never connect to that audience because you have to kind of love it or experience it, but at the same time, we want it to continue. Yeah. So we could watch contests.

[00:44:29] Exactly. You know what I mean? So it's such a, it's I important

[00:44:32] Tyler: They're trying to please too many people. Yeah. That's, that's what it feels like to me. The WSL is always, they're trying to appeal to too many people. They're trying to appeal to mass and core can't do both, and you can't do both. It just doesn't work that way.

[00:44:46] Mm-hmm. And, and, and then on top of that, the grant, the social grandstanding, you know, like I'm, I'm all, I'm a very progressive person, but a lot of their stuff just feels so disingenuine and feels so, yeah. They're not talking to us. Yeah.

[00:44:59] Giancarlo: You [00:45:00] know, they're not talking to us, you know, so

[00:45:01] Tyler: it's, it's, it, it just feels to me like they should, the wsl, if they were smart, what they should do is go the gotcha route.

[00:45:10] Gotcha is for the mass more core division do like a different, different cast m cd that's actually

[00:45:16] Giancarlo: smart. Right. I remember MCD and the Irons roll for them. I those degree. Forget that man. Exactly.

[00:45:20] Tyler: You know, and basically what happened was Gotcha. Was being sold into like the big department stores. Yeah.

[00:45:25] Like Macy's. And so they're like, well we got still outfit our, our surf shops that we, you know, that built us so we're gonna create this more core division that only goes to surf shops and Gotcha. Can be this, this bigger thing. I hope they're

[00:45:41] Giancarlo: listening. Yeah. That man, because that's actually genius. Like, do a section for us.

[00:45:45] Yeah. Then do that other, and, and that would endear them to us. Yeah. And to the, uh, the civilian population, whatever,

[00:45:54] you

[00:45:54] Tyler: know, dude, if they, if they went and got like, let's say Chaz or Derek, [00:46:00] To be commentators, I would pay a subscription fee. So would I, I would pay a subscription fee to fund that. And then they can still do the mass one where it's like Joe Tural talking to the general audience and everything.

[00:46:13] And then have that core kind of audience that you could kind of relate to and appeal to. I

[00:46:19] Giancarlo: hate to say it. Yeah. But when you're not a surfer running it. Yeah. I mean, it was successful before when you had Billabong. Yeah. And Rip Curl and Quick so, and everything, and

[00:46:27] Tyler: Rabbit was running in the show.

[00:46:28] Everything was fine,

[00:46:29] Giancarlo: man. Yeah. So, and consequently to what you said, they wouldn't even think Yeah. Of taking Chaz and Derek on to like, comment or just give their, have them put a hand in it. Yeah. They could turn it around to the core surfers in a second. Yeah. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. They got crazy street cred, you know what I mean?

[00:46:45] Yeah. But I, they, they, they actually won't do it.

[00:46:48] Tyler: No. You know? No, no,

[00:46:49] Giancarlo: because it's, well, which is ironic because shame, they don't realize those two guys are your. Or at least someone like that. Yeah. You know, in that vein, are are your key to getting us back? Exactly. You know, because all I hear [00:47:00] is vitriol from all the like core surfers.

[00:47:01] Oh my gosh. That's all. I don't hear anything good. It's, it's

[00:47:04] Tyler: weird though, because. As a kid Right. You would stay up until midnight. Yeah. To watch hot summer nights. Yeah. To watch a contest. Yeah. And you had like Mike Chamberlain and, uh, fucking Peter Town and you know, doing the psa. Yeah. And Mike Chamberlain was this guy who didn't even surf, you know?

[00:47:22] Yeah. But he would be like talking like an idiot, you know? But you, you were fine. And like when we were kids, we probably would've. Just died for the access that they have now. And now we're kind of whinging about it almost. It's kind of funny.

[00:47:36] Giancarlo: I will, you know, a lot of times they'll talk about like the commentators.

[00:47:40] Yeah. Like the, I go, I don't even give a shit. Yeah. I just wanna watch a surf contest. Yeah, man. Like it gets, you could throw anything up there and I'll watch it. Totally. But I haven't watched a contest in maybe a year. I don't know why. Tyler, I don't know if I'm getting older. I don't know what it is or if it's, I don't know.

[00:47:54] Time

[00:47:54] Tyler: is precious for you. Yeah. And you don't have all day for three, [00:48:00] four days in a row. To sit and watch. You can watch a recap, but

[00:48:04] Giancarlo: yeah, I, I, you know, I thought, I thought the Slater pool would change that. Oh, it's even worse. That was redundant,

[00:48:09] Tyler: dude. It was like, it's

[00:48:10] Giancarlo: so boring. It was like, I'm sorry to make the analogy.

[00:48:13] It was like getting late, like 500 times in a row. I'm like, dude, I can't watch this anymore. I'm sorry man. I'm sorry. I can't, can't

[00:48:19] Tyler: do it board already, to be honest. It's more like using a flashlight, uh, you know, a hundred times in a row, I would say. Cause it's manmade. Yeah. It's not really authentic, but yeah.

[00:48:29] Giancarlo: You know, but I, I don't know. I could, it, it was redundant. It was like repetitive. I watching those barrels, I was like, it's kind of the same thing, like over and over again. I'm sorry man. That's why it's, that pool's insane. It's beautiful. But again, the format is wrong though. It's, yeah, I guess it's the format and it's another conundrum, like the ocean.

[00:48:49] You have to wait for the ocean waves. Mm-hmm. Which kind of slows the contest, but that surprise of the ocean. You don't know how this wave's gonna form that type of thing. Makes it appealing to us, I guess. I don't know. [00:49:00] It would be

[00:49:00] Tyler: fascinating though if they added some extra elements to it. Like have them paddle battle for the wave.

[00:49:08] Yeah. You know? Yeah. I remember those man, you know, have them paddle battle for the wave. Have them like, you know, one sits on the end, you know, and they paddle to get around like a buoy or whatever. Yeah. And like have something there to add that excitement when there's lulls in between the waves. Um, you know, or, or like make it like a game of horse.

[00:49:27] Maybe the judging is

[00:49:28] Giancarlo: like hit his section or something. I know. Put something out there. They gotta, they gotta chop hop something. Yeah. I don't know, like a buoy or something. I

[00:49:34] Tyler: don't know. Or, or you have to complete the maneuvers. You say, okay, you have to do one air that's 360

[00:49:40] Giancarlo: bad, so you gotta get, see that's

[00:49:42] Tyler: sort of like, that's a great idea.

[00:49:43] I figure skating. Yeah.

[00:49:44] Giancarlo: You know, that's a great idea. You gotta do, you gotta finish with a barrel. Start with an air. Yeah. Front side, turn back side. Well I know left and right, but whatever. Yeah. Something like that. That's actually smart that, you know, WSL should hire us. I know. You should hire you, not me, man.

[00:49:59] Like I said, my a [00:50:00] ADHD will take me off the chain. Go. You know,

[00:50:01] Tyler: it's interesting though, like you, you started talking about just before like being on the periphery, right? Yeah. And, and it is funny, like as we get older, right? Like the, our connection to the sport and connection to the culture, it changes that relationship is definitely, it changes a lot and.

[00:50:19] How do you see yourself in surfing now as opposed to when you were younger then?

[00:50:25] Giancarlo: That's a very good question. You remember? Yeah. At 19, if it was one foot and mushy mm-hmm. You were going, yeah. I didn't care. Yeah. As long as there was a bump on the water mm-hmm. I was out there. Mm-hmm. Now it's come to the point where it's gotta be like perfect.

[00:50:40] Yeah. Like, it's gotta be like four to five foot, chest, shoulder. Yeah. Maybe a little head. It's gotta be offshore. Mm-hmm. But if I haven't gone for like a month or whatever Yeah. Course I'm, of course I gotta go no matter what. Yeah. Yeah. But, you know, it's, it's kind of come to that, you know what I mean?

[00:50:53] Tyler, it's,

[00:50:54] Tyler: do you think it's, uh, just the shift in priorities, like as and when you're younger, like you have [00:51:00] less priorities, like you're kind of like, you know, you're not married or you don't have kids, you don't have those responsibilities.

[00:51:07] Giancarlo: So they were wad Saturday. Yeah. Right. Or Sunday was Sunday morning.

[00:51:10] Sunday morning. Yeah. It was fun. All right. Yeah. I was out. Yeah. It was a lovely day. I ain't gonna lie, I've served since January 1st. Cause they were waved January 1st. I won't forget. Yeah. Um, I think I've surfed like five times. No

[00:51:20] Tyler: judgment. No judgment here. I'm gonna, I'm not lie, that

[00:51:23] Giancarlo: happens. I'm not gonna lie.

[00:51:23] Happens. I've been surfing for 30 years or whatever it is. Yeah. Uh, 32, whatever it is. And, but I guess it is, you know, when you have two kids on your own Yeah. You know, it kind of, it that, that takes a chunk of your time, man. Yeah. You know what I mean? And every time I'm out there, the waves are good. Yeah. I will still get that.

[00:51:43] Like, those endorphins will be firing. Mm-hmm. You know what I mean? Like, I'll still get that. You catch a good wave, man. Yeah. Like you do a good turn. Like dig those fins into the face that that'll last you. Yeah. That'll last you, man. So, I mean, I guess that's the biggest change from when you're a kid.

[00:51:58] You'll, you'll, you'll surf [00:52:00] anything. Yeah. I think I've heard a lot of surfers say it over the years, but you get a little more jaded. Mm-hmm. A little more spoiled, you know, it's natural progression of a human, I guess. Right? Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, uh, so that's my relationship with it now. It's gotta be super good.

[00:52:12] I don't

[00:52:13] Tyler: know how, you know, like as I've gotten older, I, you know, I look at. You know who Dale Webster is? Yeah. Surf. The guy surfed surf surfed every day for like a full lunar cycle. Some crazy 20 something years. Every day I look at that guy and I'm like, holy fuck. Yeah. How did that guy maintain that level of enthusiasm?

[00:52:37] To do that every day through marriage, having kids job flu, you know, like didn't go traveling. Really? Yeah. Cuz you would miss a day. Yeah. Didn't miss a day. Yeah.

[00:52:49] Giancarlo: That's crazy,

[00:52:49] Tyler: man. I mean, it makes me like realize like, oh my God. Like I thought I was dedicated when I was younger. And as I've gotten older, like I think, oh, I do a weekly [00:53:00] surf podcast, so I'm really dedicated, you know, whatever.

[00:53:02] But like that guy and those things, I, I'm always in awe of that. To me, that's almost superhuman.

[00:53:08] Giancarlo: I agree. I mean, I don't know how you, like you said what I was gonna say, I know how he does it. He didn't have a wife or kids, but he does. I didn't know. I, I forgot about that. I read about him years. It was years

[00:53:18] Tyler: ago now.

[00:53:18] Yeah. And then stepped in the liquid. They had a whole little thing on him. Right? Yeah. A little thing about him. I

[00:53:21] Giancarlo: remember now. Yeah. And, uh, well look man, some, some people's dedication is better than others. Yeah. You know, I. I'm not gonna lie. Different, different, different. Yes. Thank you. That's a better word.

[00:53:32] Yeah. You know, if I see my garlic shrimp and chorizo and portuguese red in front of me and it's like two to three foot, I might, I think I might go for that instead of like s mushy, you know, two to three. So seriously

[00:53:41] Tyler: gonna invite you over to cook. Now you're, I make it all the time,

[00:53:44] Giancarlo: man. So, so easy. Let the garlic sit in the oil for like two hours.

[00:53:47] Oh, just warm it up a

[00:53:48] little

[00:53:48] Tyler: bit. Yeah. So there's a movie I'm gonna suggest you gotta try to find, tell me. I'll try to send you a link. Yes. It's called Lapsed Catholics. What? The Surf Magazines Don't tell you. My friend Todd [00:54:00] Stewart made it and to me it's the, one of the greatest surf movies of all time.

[00:54:04] It's short, but it talks. Basically he, he got this, um, this French guy to smoke cigarettes all night and then record it like one in the morning. So he's got this raspy French and he's speaking in French, and everything is just black and white, and it's like just showing footage of whitewash and someone floundering in the whitewash and the subtitles, and it just talks about.

[00:54:31] Getting older and surfing and how you relate to surfing. And every time I watch it, like every other year, every year I watch it and I'm like, I relate to a different section of it. Yeah. Cause it talks about like, you know, the, especially when you're older, it's like the kids, they see you, they recognize you as a surfer, but you know the truth, you know, you're not what you were, you

[00:54:51] Giancarlo: know?

[00:54:51] Yeah. It's, don't forget Tyler too, it's like injuries too, man. Yeah. You know, my shoulder's been clicking, dude. That right shoulder, like click, click every time I fast. It's like a time bomb. [00:55:00] It's like a ticking time bomb, dude. Every time I, I paddle it's like, click, click. I'm like, oh shit man. It's

[00:55:04] Tyler: counting down.

[00:55:05] Do know what? Do you do anything to keep in shape or, or keep uh, keep up for surfing? I

[00:55:10] Giancarlo: yell at my kids. I throw shit at them. That's one way I keep stuff

[00:55:13] Tyler: in order that that'll, that'll get you going. That'll get the heart racing.

[00:55:16] Giancarlo: Yeah. That'll get my blood flowing into my thing. When that room's dirty, I'm like, go clean your fucking room right now.

[00:55:20] Don't piss me off. Clean your fucking room.

[00:55:22] Tyler: Turn off the TikTok and get to work.

[00:55:24] Giancarlo: I grabbed, i, I sort the phone, like, gimme that fucking phone. I, he was sitting there for like two hours doing nothing. He's like, what? I go, I'm leaving. Don't piss me off. I'm out. Clean that a goddamn room. I'm back in 20 minutes.

[00:55:34] One way to stay in shape is by yelling. A lot of guys do yoga, which I should do. Yeah. Tyler. You know what I mean? But that ain't my thing. Yeah. You know, um, I do walk a lot. Yeah. You know, I make sure I get my like 10, 15,

[00:55:45] Tyler: 15, 10,000 steps. Right. That's right bro. I'm up to 7,000 right now. That's it's, come on

[00:55:49] Giancarlo: man.

[00:55:50] I walked around the classroom all day today. I'm like, guys play a game. I walked around the thing, I hope you inid ain't listening either. There's a lot of people that shouldn't be listening to this right now. Um, but [00:56:00] yeah, like, uh, really and you know, just watch diet, lot of fruits, vegetables, you know what I mean?

[00:56:05] Cuz you a lot of my friends man back. Yeah. And these are guys my age. 48, 45. Mm-hmm. It sneaks up on you outta nowhere. I know. You know, but I think diet, exercise, you know, I mean, stretching helps. Yeah. You gotta stretch before you surf, man. Which I don't do, and you should do, man. So see,

[00:56:21] Tyler: technically they say you shouldn't stretch before, after.

[00:56:24] You should warm up after. Okay. But stretch after. So warm up, like jumping jacks. Any sort of quick aerobics that warms up your muscles if you stretch before you could actually make yourself more injured. Really? Yeah. I've, I've talked to a few people about this and you know, they're saying like, yeah, do more warmup and like, Brad Gerlach wave key, you know, uh, I,

[00:56:43] Giancarlo: I, I Have you done Wave Key?

[00:56:45] No, I've watched it. I remember he did it because they, I think Berit wrote about it. Yeah. So I did fi He was, when he was doing that, when he was living in Indo. Yeah, exactly. Yeah,

[00:56:52] Tyler: I remember. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm doing that sometimes too. Was it like stretching and stuff like that? I would, it's hard to say. I would say it's like a mix of [00:57:00] kung fu like, kind of like, um, like kind of like a martial art with yoga.

[00:57:06] Yeah. And basically you're, you're doing, you know, your first position is basically, you know, getting to your feet, your, your, your popup and it has like a unique way of doing it. And then like you go to the bottom turn and then you go to the off the top. That's kind of, that's kind of smart man. And it creates this muscle memory and visualization.

[00:57:26] While doing it, and you're basically just mimicking these movements over and over. And so when you surf theoretically, you'll just automatically do it.

[00:57:37] Giancarlo: Well, I ain't arguing with Brad

[00:57:38] Tyler: Glock. No one is arguing

[00:57:40] Giancarlo: Greg. Man, if he tells me to jump off the GW that I'm going it, it's like it'll make you better surf.

[00:57:44] I'm like, ah, man. Thanks. Do I take my board? Nah, just go. All right. Whatever you say, bro. I'm doing it. If it's Gerr, then I'm doing it. Ger. Yeah. That's smart man. I don't know. I remember he surfed that, uh, Cortez Bank wave. Yes. Remember he did a cutback on it? Remember that picture? Yes. That wave was [00:58:00] like 50 feet.

[00:58:01] He was right in the middle doing a cutback on a Cortez bank. It's insane. Uh, wave man. That was insane. I remember getting that Taylor Knox video, that $50,000 wave. Remember Taylor Knox? Remember that video? I think Surf, surf

[00:58:12] Tyler: Fly. Did it So good. I'm sorry

[00:58:14] Giancarlo: I'm reminiscent.

[00:58:15] Tyler: No, you're bringing me back, man. It's all good.

[00:58:18] I I love

[00:58:18] Giancarlo: that stuff. I thought of, I remember watching that, that VHS tape man with the K2 Big Wave challenge. That was it. It was the K2 Big Wave challenge. And he got 50 grand for surfing that wave. God, it's

[00:58:28] Tyler: so funny. Like so k2, they, they listeners, they did this, they tried to get into surfing and they decided what they're gonna do to get into surfing was, uh, do a photo competition.

[00:58:41] Uh, whoever catches the biggest wave in this one winter, and Taylor Knox won it at this contest, the reef at Toto Santos. It was an isa, big Waves, uh, uh, event. And, uh, you know, And it was such an awesome marketing. Yeah. Smart [00:59:00] thing. It was so smart. But then they followed it up. Oh yeah. With sponsoring surfers like Timmy Curran.

[00:59:05] Oh, that's right. Which had no big wave wrap. That's right. And it was just so not, not Timmy Curran man. Yeah. You know, so not like it made no sense whatsoever. And then the clothing they had was awful. Like, I remember going to their trade show, looking at it and being like, oh yeah, what is this? Nah. Like you guys, like, you had such a, they, they, they had such an awesome, uh, opening and opportunity and then it was just like, fucking idiots.

[00:59:32] Like Yeah, it was crazy.

[00:59:33] Giancarlo: It was funny. Reminiscing on those things. But you had a K2 close. Nah, man wasn't doing it. No, no, no, no, no,

[00:59:38] no.

[00:59:39] Tyler: And we will be right back. And now back to our show. Um, are you, are you working on any piece now for Bee Grit? I actually am. All right. Um, do we want to give a little sneak peek a little?

[00:59:53] Giancarlo: I could, yeah. Yeah. There's, uh, It's actually, I couldn't, when I saw the mo uh, [01:00:00] Messiah thing, when Sammy, I wanted to ask

[01:00:02] Tyler: about this. Yeah.

[01:00:03] Giancarlo: When I saw what he was doing, like his, his story, how did you

[01:00:08] Tyler: connect here with him, by the way?

[01:00:10] Giancarlo: I, okay, here's the thing. Yeah, yeah. Because people ask me that. Yeah. You gotta follow a lot of surf things on Instagram.

[01:00:16] Yeah. So it was actually a surf shop in New York. Wasn't sa it wasn't Manhattan, not Station Saturday. It was Station

[01:00:20] Tyler: Station. It was Station Station. R B N Y. Nigel.

[01:00:22] Giancarlo: Okay. Right. Nigel. Yeah. Right. That, that's about Nigel. So you know him, I guess. Oh, me,

[01:00:26] Tyler: I live right

[01:00:27] Giancarlo: down the street from, well, Messiah's doing a movie about him.

[01:00:29] I know. Um, I, to answer your question, yeah. The way I came across it, scrolling through Instagram, I guess stations, it looks like they were in Manhattan, man.

[01:00:38] Tyler: Yeah, they're, they're, he's, well he has, um, the shop is in Rockaway. Right. But he opened up a shop within Paragon that

[01:00:46] Giancarlo: It was Paragon. Yeah, that's what I saw.

[01:00:48] Yeah. So they're like, Mosiah Moon Sammy. So I'm like, I click his thing and I just kind of followed it and I'm like, He's telling this story about what happened to him. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like

[01:00:58] Tyler: so can you tell our [01:01:00] listeners a little bit about, uh, give us a little backstory of Messiah.

[01:01:03] Giancarlo: Okay. So it's in the article, but Yeah, of course.

[01:01:06] Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, I come across him and he's gotta GoFundMe for the new movie that he's doing. Yeah. Black servers in the concrete jungle. Yeah. And when he was a kid, see I teach in an urban area. Yeah. I'll get to that in a minute. I'm sorry. When he was a kid, he te he says when he would hang out, he, I can only mention the space that he was in.

[01:01:26] Yeah. Um, in New York and Florida. Mm-hmm. He was living in a black community. Yeah. Walking around with a surfboard and skateboarding, and naturally they're like, why you surfing? Why you skateboarding? That's a white boy sport. Mm-hmm. You should be playing basketball. You should be playing football. So he gave up surfing from pressure from his community.

[01:01:43] That's something we don't understand. Yeah. You know what I mean? Not that we got support. No. Especially on the East coast. But no one ever gave a shit about it. No. No. You know, I mean, they did, but not

[01:01:51] Tyler: serious. It's different. It's different. It's so much different as a, as a, uh, racial, cultural thing too,

[01:01:57] Giancarlo: you know?

[01:01:57] Right. You're exactly right. That's that [01:02:00] difference. And so when he, he says it beautifully, it his GoFundMe video. Yeah. And the cadence in his voice. It's like, it's like mesmerizing man. Mm-hmm. It like lulls you into his, like it's very attractive. Yeah. Just the way he speaks. Like I said, the cadence of his voice, you know.

[01:02:17] So, uh, when he discovered Rockaway and I think, what's the, uh, Nigel? Nigel? Yeah. That made him get into surfing again after 18 years. Wow. Or whatever it was. I'm guessing the number, I don't know the number, you know, but this guy brought his surf life back to me that was like, this is something I have to write about.

[01:02:36] Yeah. This has to be done. I remember emailing him and, uh, so that's his story. He did one movie called Last Bodega in Brooklyn. You were saying

[01:02:44] Tyler: this, right? Yeah. In the article. So that's a, that's another, that won an

[01:02:46] Giancarlo: award, right? Yeah. Now I've never, I've never seen it, but the concept is amazing. Yeah.

[01:02:52] Because, you know, Brooklyn's become gentrified. Yep. You know? Yep. That's like where we live in Hoboken. Yeah. Dude Hoboken in the eighties. Oh gosh. You couldn't walked [01:03:00]down the terrify street terrify man. Dude. They were, they were shooting up on the street. Yeah. You, you know, you couldn't walk four feet without getting robbed.

[01:03:06] Yeah. Um, but Brooklyn, same thing. Yeah. And he did thing like the last bodega, cuz that's the Spanish word for like little del that's Yeah. So like holding their fort in Brooklyn, you know. So the concepts that he comes up with for movies to me are amazing. Yeah. But the fact that surfing could be like, nothing could take surfing away from me ever.

[01:03:22] Mm-hmm. You know? Um, but that's the story on him. The fact that he lost it through his community or the community kinda gave him pressure. Yeah. Yeah. Stop. And then he got it back through Rockaway. So it's,

[01:03:34] Tyler: it's interesting, right? Like, um, You know, there's, um, there was a movie that came out years ago, uh, called, uh, whitewash.

[01:03:42] And it was also about like the history of af of black surfing, basically. Yeah. And I remember he was going around interviewing people like just at the basketball courts and like down in the West Village and everything. And a lot of, lot of black black guys are like, black people surf. [01:04:00] Yeah. You know? Yeah.

[01:04:00] And it's like, there's a stigma against it and there's a stigma against, you know, doing these things that are perceived, quote unquote white or whatever. Yeah. You know, when, when really actually, like now you look at the, that Afro Surf book, the Selima, uh, put out, I,

[01:04:14] Giancarlo: I wrote an article on that one man many years ago.

[01:04:16] It's phenomenal. Yeah. It's phenomenal. It's beautiful. It's beautiful. I'll just pick it up and just look at outta nowhere. And then, and then you see

[01:04:22] Tyler: that Africa head surfing. Hundreds of years ago. Know. Yeah. Look

[01:04:26] Giancarlo: at that. Look at that coastline, man.

[01:04:28] Tyler: It's, it's unbelievable. And they had culture around surfing and, and wave riding.

[01:04:33] That, that just unfortunately got lost with colonialism, you know? Yeah. And, and, and all these people were kind of taught, you know, that you're not to, to be in the ocean. You know, know,

[01:04:43] Giancarlo: know if you've seen. Amistad. Yeah. You that, that part makes me sick. Yeah. Where that rock is thrown overboard. Mm-hmm. And all the slaves are tied to it.

[01:04:53] There's a fear of the water. Exactly. You know what I mean? So I, you know, and I remember I did one on Lou Harris. Yeah. I know. If you know Lou [01:05:00] Yeah, yeah, I know Lou the Rockaway. Yeah. I did one on Rockaway. What he's doing. That was actually, that was one I was actually happy with.

[01:05:06] Tyler: Um, you, you may be the most progressive writer for beach Grit, by the way.

[01:05:09] Well, hey, that's,

[01:05:10] Giancarlo: that's a product of New York, man. That ain't me. You know, we grew up in an area where people don't give a shit if you're black, white, just, just get outta the way. Exactly. Don't get in my way. I don't care what you are doing. Yeah. Just stay outta my way. Exactly. Either help or get outta my way.

[01:05:22] Yeah. So we didn't have, you know, that's the way I grew up. Yeah. I never heard black, white, this, that. Cause all friends were from everywhere, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. Like I Latino was, I know the difference between Dominican food, Salvadorian food, Hondura. I know the difference between everything, how they make their rice, that stuff I grew up on, you know?

[01:05:37] So we never heard that stuff. But, um, yeah. Uh, back to Lou, Lou,

[01:05:41] Tyler: Lou was such a, Such an, such an interesting person. And like his story is fascinating and like also just he gives free lessons. Yeah. You know, so

[01:05:54] Giancarlo: I, I forgot how I came across Lou. I actually never spoke to him either, man. Oh. I just, you know, I, I, [01:06:00] I met he even with Messiah.

[01:06:01] Yeah. I messaged him and he got back to me. He was very cool. Yeah. But I was waiting Waiting. Yeah. And I'm like, dude, I gotta just run it. Yeah. With what I got off the, uh, off the GoFund, off your goum me off that video. Yeah. He was cool with it. I made a couple of changes. No big deal. Yeah. I was like, could you just tell?

[01:06:15] Yeah, no problem man. But, uh, the loot thing was great. Yeah. I remember putting that loose story. Uh, there was a big swell hitting Rockaway. Mm-hmm. This was years ago, man. Before I was like 19. Yeah. And um, 92nd Street was big dude. Yeah. Like Big Tyler like.

[01:06:32] Tyler: Big, big F No, no. It can

[01:06:34] Giancarlo: get me big. For me it was like eight, eight to 10 foot big for New York.

[01:06:37] Okay. Big F for me. Cause I'm, yeah, yeah. I'm not gonna lie. Six to eight foot is, that's my ceiling, man. Depending on how it's blink. No, nobody's judging here. Um, so we drove down. Yeah, we drove down toward like more towards like Edgemere. Mm-hmm. And like Hamlin, all those places. Yeah. Yep. So we go to check there.

[01:06:53] This was in the story. We turn around, man, there were like two cars parked in a v, like blocking in the street. Remember [01:07:00] one, one of the guys like, the fuck you doing here? I'm like, we're about to leave like nine. Ain we gotta get in the car. Like, like drive on the curb, try to flew a bottle at the car. It was awesome, man.

[01:07:09] But yeah, yeah, yeah. Welcome to Rockaway. Yeah. East End. East end. Yo Rockaway back in the, on the west end. I should say West End.

[01:07:14] Tyler: I should say Rockaway back in the day was definitely, uh, not a joke man. Not a joke. No. I mean, like, I always tell people like, yo, like. This boardwalk. People used to get mauled by wild dogs.

[01:07:25] Yeah. And like all sorts of crazy shit Yeah. Would go down, you

[01:07:28] Giancarlo: know? And it's great about Lou because he's bringing that world to kids. Yeah. Who normally would not to get to our point. Totally. I'm sorry. Uh, who would not be exposed to that. Yeah. You know, and I see that in my school we have a large 99% Latino community.

[01:07:42] Yeah. These kids come from South America, Caribbean with great waves. You mentioned surfing to them. They have no, I not, no idea. Yeah. But they don't know. Yeah. You know, no one's brought this into their world. Mm-hmm. And it's a shame. Yeah. They potential to love it. These can be great surfers just might change someone's life.

[01:07:54] You know, Derek wrote something hysterical. He is like, think of how many world wars would've been stopped [01:08:00] if some of these guys just surfed. You'd be so content with yourself, you'd be so content with you. You wouldn't wanna start a war. You know what I mean?

[01:08:05] Tyler: You know, it's, it's, it's. It's kind of, it's kind of true.

[01:08:09] Kind of not true. Maybe, you know, because some people fight over waves. Mm. You know, and that's funny. Lata Bay is de definitely, they'll find the way. Definitely. You know, like Lata Bay in la you know, like those, those guys are, are gnarly. They'll throw rocks at you and everything. Yeah. So it is like, there is territorialism for sure.

[01:08:27] But yeah, it's funny. Like I feel like surfing can, can definitely help, you know, it can be a gateway. Right. To opening people's minds. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's weird though. I do feel like as of late, like I remember like growing up reading surfer, right. It was kind of progressive, right? Yeah. Like it felt like, yeah.

[01:08:46] There was environmentalism. Yeah. There was a whole bunch of, there was traveled, there

[01:08:50] Giancarlo: was, there was the, the profiling. Don't remember all

[01:08:52] Tyler: that. Yeah. Yeah. It feels like surfing has kind of gotten more conservative in some ways, you know, like parts of it, like parts of the, the main [01:09:00] surf industry maybe, I guess you could

[01:09:01] Giancarlo: say.

[01:09:02] Yeah. They're getting scared of like, you know, scared of saying certain things. Yeah. When we, our culture was like the counterculture. Yeah. The rebellious culture. Exactly. Now it's kind of hit this conformity. Mm-hmm. Maybe that's what's turning us off, but we're all now, we don't care about that stuff. But, you know, can't be thinking about that stuff now, man.

[01:09:16] But you know, when you said, uh, when you said, uh, stop a war or not? Yeah. Uh, I remember telling you going to Long Beach, man. Yeah. All those many times. Yeah. One of my favorite Long Beach stories is not even about, well, it's about surfing, but I'm walking up, you know, the boardwalks over there in Long Beach.

[01:09:32] Yeah. I'm walking up to go to that little, uh, incline. Yeah, yeah. Check, you know, to go up there. Yeah. The bike. Yeah. And, uh, I wasn't watching. Yeah. The. Older lady. Yeah. She had to be 65. Nice, sweet old lady. Mm-hmm. You know, driving a bike through. Yeah. And I wasn't paying attention. I was too excited. Yeah. I almost hit her with my board.

[01:09:48] Oh God. So I'm like, ooh, I'm sorry. She's like fucking asshole. I'm like, I'm sorry. And as she's come back to me, like she sticks up the finger like, but this is like woman who could like baked me cookies with milk, like an apple pie. [01:10:00] But she's giving me the finger. I go, that's Long Island right there. Yeah. I would marry that lady if I wasn't in, in a rush for waves.

[01:10:05] Man, I don't care. She's 70 cuz that's hot guys. You tell me to go fuck myself or call me an asshole and gimme the finger as you're driving away. You're beautiful man.

[01:10:13] Tyler: Going back to this, you know it was when, when I first came into the studio earlier. Yeah. You, you first were like, yo, you were that guy that

[01:10:22] Giancarlo: like blocked me out.

[01:10:23] Boxed me out man. Cause you are wide man. You are a big dude. Man. I ain't dropping in on you. I

[01:10:28] Tyler: never box anyone out. I'm always polite in the lineup. It

[01:10:31] Giancarlo: was now this, this, this represents New York to me too. Yeah. Um. It, it was February, man. Yeah, it was cold. Dude. You know the ice foreman on your hood? Yeah.

[01:10:40] That, that, that that black Yes. Cord on your hood that you pulled pie. There was like ice on there. There were four. I was out. Yeah. These three guys come out and I looked to my left to mind. I go, dude, every jetty is empty. Yeah. Now I understand. It was probably breaking the best. Yeah. I think it was Lincoln.

[01:10:54] I'm pretty sure it was Lincoln. But they formed their little crew sitting on the point, sitting [01:11:00] right in front of the jetty and I'm sitting there waiting. I'm like, here we go. They're paddling past me, past me in the rotation or whatever. And uh, the guy screams out. He goes, two his friends. Don't you hear when people from Jersey come here?

[01:11:11] He's like, yeah, we're not gonna let him catch a fucking wave. I was like, you guys are really nice. Thank you. Thank you. And these are big boys, man. Nolan be like, I'd be like, fuck you. But I'm afraid what's gonna happen on the beach when I go there. I can't run so fast. Yo.

[01:11:22] Tyler: And then my car let's, we, we have to talk about your flip story too.

[01:11:26] Flip is

[01:11:26] Giancarlo: amazing, man. I was in. Dude, I was in Lido. I don't know how he knew it. Someone must have told him, but I don't know anybody there. I knew two people there. And, uh, he's coming down a line. I just caught a wave. He's coming down the line behind me. I knew I was gonna, I don't have to go opposite of him.

[01:11:41] Yeah. I knew I was gonna clear like the wave or whatever. So he is coming down, uh, trimming the face and he lines it up. I flip. So I gotta watch him, man. I wanna see what he's gonna do. Yeah. I couldn't help it. He does a top turn. Yeah. That the spray literally felt like needles going in my eyes. It was so [01:12:00] strong.

[01:12:00] Like someone turned on a fire hydrant. I thought I was gonna lose my, like, it whipped me in the face, this spray, you know what I mean? And, uh, comes back, starts paddle up next to me. He goes, go back to Jersey. I'm like, dude, how the fuck do you know that? He goes, I can like smell you. He said something like that.

[01:12:14] I could smell the jersey on you or something. I forgot what he said, but it was genius. I go, thanks Flip. He just kept going.

[01:12:20] Tyler: See the thing is, I don't like it when people do that for people of Jersey. Cuz I wanna go surf

[01:12:26] Giancarlo: jersey too, you know? Yeah. You guys eventually have to come. I think. Yeah. I I could have sworn it was, it was it Cuz I do see a lot of New York plates, dude.

[01:12:33] Tons, especially tons of, tons of us go down there. Especially when the wind's west. Course, you know, I always thought about you guys because you know when the front goes off Yeah. Tyler, that wind is usually west man. Exactly. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. So I al always think like if it's a, if it's a low different whatever, but if it's a wind swell take, like, you know, the front goes off the shore and then

[01:12:50] Tyler: into west

[01:12:50] Giancarlo: It's more west often.

[01:12:51] Yeah. So Yeah. More, more often than not. Yeah. So I'm like, I feel not bad, but like they must come down here. Yeah. I don't look for these three guys again. I'm gonna drive up and down. Yeah [01:13:00] man.

[01:13:00] Tyler: You gotta be like, yo, go back to Long Island.

[01:13:03] Giancarlo: But yeah, I always thought about that. I always thought about that when, uh, When you mentioned New York surfing.

[01:13:09] Yeah. I, I'll never forget, man, that quick Silver Pro. Oh. Because they were talking shit on the message boards. Remember? Fantasy surfer? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I used to do fantasy surfer with surfer mag. Yeah. You know, and that's the message board I was on and, uh, talking mad shit about New York. Of course, you know, it's

[01:13:25] Tyler: be shittiest contest

[01:13:26] Giancarlo: shit and I will never forget.

[01:13:28] Yeah. It was Katia, dude, you remember the name? Oh, yeah. Born in the Caribbean. Yeah. Swinging her hips to morgue all the way up the coastline. You know what I mean? You and I remember saying, putting on the message board what now? Yeah, bitch. You know what I mean? It's four to six foot up. It's offshore. Yeah.

[01:13:45] And it was one of the best contests of the year. It was. Okay. It really was. Slater did that flip? Yeah. You know that, that that 360 spin and landed it, you know what I mean? So that was one of the best contests of the

[01:13:57] Tyler: year contest. It was sick. I remember I was there [01:14:00] for the final, I remember surfing like Robert Moses, uh, that day, the final, like the, the big day.

[01:14:07] And it was like three times the

[01:14:11] Giancarlo: size. And Robert Moses or on a Long Beach, Moses. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's more

[01:14:14] Tyler: exposed to his It was, it was crazy. Yeah. And then I remember going to Lido and watched Coot and get like a standup barrel, like it was crazy. Kedo

[01:14:23] Giancarlo: ez. Remember Hay ez? It was amazing. Heed. Well, that kind of, all those guys, it was so sick,

[01:14:27] Tyler: you know?

[01:14:28] And it was like kind of, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it. It was the coolest thing to see like. You'd just be walking down the boardwalk and there'd be a pro. You know,

[01:14:37] Giancarlo: I, yeah, yeah, yeah. Bobby Martinez about to flip out. That was great,

[01:14:40] Tyler: man. That was the best. That was probably one of, one of the best moments in surfing was Bobby Martinez, like, you know, oh, sorry.

[01:14:47] The Australians would call it Bobby. Martin is Martin. You know, I, that's funny. Yeah. But like the, that whole thing was amazing. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Man, I was

[01:14:55] Giancarlo: so happy when that happened. I prayed. I know, I, I don't, I do go to church, but I don't [01:15:00] pray for things. Yeah. But I said, look man, I haven't asked you for nothing.

[01:15:03] Go just make it wave just so I could tell 'em to go f themselves. You know what I'm saying? That we do actually get waves. I, that's only we reason why I wanna do it. I don't wanna surf it, you know, whatever. That's when school starts. I can't go. Yeah. But, uh, yeah. I remember one more. Long Beach one. Yeah. I did an article about this for Beri.

[01:15:19] Yeah. Like, should you surf with pros? It was, uh, powerful. Southeast swell. Yeah. Like eight feet at 11 seconds, man. Mm-hmm. And it was like, the angle was like either south, southeast or southeast. Yeah. So it was hitting kind of direct, you know? Yeah. And, uh, pull up to Long Beach Boulevard. I think the Volcom East team was there.

[01:15:35] Right. And they're taking off behind the rocks, dude. Barrels, you know, before the wave even break. Yeah. And I, I can't compete with these guys. Yeah. I'm not paddling out there. A to B make myself like a fool. Yeah. B probably to get killed and to not catch a wave. Long Beach produced man. I went down to I think, national.

[01:15:53] Yeah, it was, I think it was national. There's that one break that's got a heavy beach break. Yeah. Yep. Like you gotta get, you gotta be careful, you gotta go. [01:16:00] And it was a jetty to the south or what? Or west of it, whatever it was. It was three to four foot and Realing. Dude. Nice. And then putting that in new article, I'm like, make a decision.

[01:16:09] Do you go box. Going to big ring with the kids. You go to the kiddie pool with the, I I went, I went with the 12 year old girls. It was great, man. They were on soft tops and everything. Gave me

[01:16:17] Tyler: the kook camouflage. Yeah, man. That's right. Give me the coup camouflage, because if I have to surf with people who are better than me, I'm never gonna get waved.

[01:16:24] I'm never gonna get waved, you know? But, and I'm not gonna surf better at

[01:16:27] Giancarlo: my age. No, no, no, no. But I remember, I, I'm like, I'm like, dude, I love Long Beach, man. It, it produced me because I thought the swell would dissipate. Yeah. Or go down or whatever. By the time I got there, and it didn't, man, just got stronger.

[01:16:40] But I'm like, I drove out here for nothing. But find those jetties, man, explore. It was awesome, dude. I'll never forget that day either. It was a great day.

[01:16:47] Tyler: All right, so I'm gonna start to wrap this up here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's cool. Um, do you have like a favorite Italian restaurant that you love to go to that's old school in the city?

[01:16:59] [01:17:00] Any, anywhere that around your neighborhood, whatever. Is there a place that you go to that's like, There's,

[01:17:06] Giancarlo: there's the, there's the Palmer Brothers on Kennedy Boulevard, man. Okay. 85th Street. Yeah. 86th Street and Kennedy Boulevard. My friend's putting a hand over her face cause she's Greek. She don't know what Italian food is.

[01:17:15] Okay. But they're two brothers from Southern Italy. Yeah. There's no meat on the menu. It's pasta and fish. Oh, that's Southern Italian. Cause we're from Naples. Yeah. Yeah. That's Southern Italian food man. But the Palmer Brothers, 85th and Kennedy. And they better gimme a free tear than me Sue when I go to Formenting over here.

[01:17:31] And I'll bring you one if they give it to me, they usually gimme a tray of it. It's my favorite to say. But ever in Jersey, man, that's, that's a good one. That's a legit one. The menu's got like five things on it. I'm sorry.

[01:17:39] Tyler: Yeah, we go to Monts in Newark.

[01:17:42] Giancarlo: Monts in Newark One. I go to Newark. I go for my Portuguese food.

[01:17:45] Man. They took over Newark, but no, my

[01:17:47] Tyler: Italian spot, they got the shrimp beeps. Shrimp beeps really good, you know. But I'm just saying, you know, I'm, you know, I'll

[01:17:54] Giancarlo: be there, man. That's no problem. No problem. I can go there.

[01:17:57] Tyler: All right. Um, [01:18:00] Giancarlo. Where can our listeners find you? Find your writing. Uh, here's your chance to plug

[01:18:05] Giancarlo: Beri.

[01:18:06] Man, that's the only one that's go to be tho Those are the only guys stupid enough to take me. Everyone else is smart enough. Inertia's like, nah, we're good Derek. And Chad's the only one to laps at judgment to get me on there. So Beech Crist's the only one man. That's it. They're the

[01:18:18] Tyler: only ones he gonna try for a Surfers Journal one

[01:18:20] Giancarlo: day.

[01:18:21] I don't know, man. That's, that's, that's major leagues, bro. You got that. You could do it. That's beyond major leagues, man. That's for real. You know, you know, you know, you made it when you made Surfers Journal, man. That's for Chaz and Derek. Those were the educated, uh, surf writers.

[01:18:34] Tyler: But yeah, dude, I thoroughly enjoyed this.

[01:18:38] Me too, man. It went quick. How long were we here? Over an hour. Damn, man.

[01:18:41] Giancarlo: I, it seemed like it flew by.

[01:18:43] Tyler: It went fast. So, yeah. I really appreciate you coming in and doing this. Like listeners, I, I just been. Searching this guy and like looking at his, you know, reading his articles, I'm like, yo, we gotta get this guy on the show.

[01:18:56] He's commenting on Beech Grit about this scene here. He's [01:19:00] making, doing articles about all these really cool things. And I felt like it was really. I was like, this guy's gonna be a good character to come on. I knew it and God, yes. Hoping I didn't let you guys down, man. Definitely not. And uh, so listeners, uh, go check out his articles on Beach Grid.

[01:19:15] I'll have some links in the, uh, show notes of the podcast so you could go check it out. And, um, of course I gotta thank my buddy Joe here, our engineer at Joe's. Awesome man. New Sand Studios made me feel comfortable from the start. He's a fucking legend, you know, he's awesome man. And, uh, I gotta thank Rockefeller Center for hosting us and uh, of course, don't forget to go check out at swell season Surf, uh, radio on Instagram or swell season surf

[01:19:42] And uh, we will check you all down the line soon. You.[01:20:00]

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